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Become a Full Stack Web Developer

What is web development and why is it so much popular nowadays?

Web development broadly refers to the task associated with developing websites from hosting via intranet or internet.

The web development process includes web design, web content development, client-side/server-side scripting, and network security configuration, among other tasks.

The reason for it being so much popular is that, it is one of the highest paying jobs nowadays and its growth rate is assumed to increase throughout the future.

The average salary of a Full Stack Web Developer is around $80,000 to $1,10,000.



Things you need to know to get started with Web Developer

There are three different types of web development

  1. Front End Development

  2. Back End Development

  3. Full Stack Development

(Now, before we dive deep into what Front End, Back End, and Full Stack Development is)

We should have a basic idea of what are the common terms used in web development. (We will try to understand these terms in the form of question answers)

1. What is a website?

  • It is a location(server), connected to the internet, that contains one or more web pages.

  • For example, Amazon is an online retail store, Google is a search engine, YouTube provides video content.

2. What is a web page/website?

  • Web Page - document written in HTML.

  • Web Site - Collection of web pages.

3. What is Web Development?

  • Refers to the building, creating, and maintaining web content. It includes web designing, web publishing, web programming, and database management.

4. Website vs. Web Application

  • Website

  1. Static ("Static" means unchanged or constant)

  2. Informational, brochure-style content

  3. Generally the same across different users

  4. Example :Blog, Documentation (manual, docs), Website (presentation/personal), Cache (templates/generate), Communication cache (scrapping buffer), Forms.

( NOTE: A static website,  web page does not contain any database hence it does not require any back end coding )

  •  Web Application

  1. Dynamic ("Dynamic" means changing or lively)

  2. Content of a web app is dependent on user interaction

  3. Changes based on User's Data

  4. Example: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram

5. What are the components of Web Application

  • Modules that when joined together make a whole web application. It includes web server, web page, back-end code, and database.

  • Web server software.

  • Web Pages(HTML , CSS,  JS)

  • Back end code

  • Database software


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